Carlo Casari
Since the first day that I arrived I have felt very welcome thanks to the amazing and incredible teachers and staff at the school. They’ve helped me a lot especially during the first few weeks when the adjustment for international students can be a bit challenging due to cultural shock. Furthermore, their help didn't finish there because they provided help and care each day, asking about how I felt and how my days were going. Since I’ve been there, I can definitely say that this is the best experience of my life!

Hi my name is Carlo Casari, I’m an Italian student currently in Sydney to improve my English at ELC. Since the first day that I arrived I have felt very welcome thanks to the amazing and incredible teachers and staff at the school. They’ve helped me a lot especially during the first few weeks when the adjustment for international students can be a bit challenging due to cultural shock. Furthermore, their help didn’t finish there because they provided help and care each day, asking about how I felt and how my days were going. Since I’ve been there, I can definitely say that this is the best experience of my life! I’ve met hundreds of students from all around the world and I have had several unique experiences with them for which I’m truly grateful! A particular thanks goes to Alexandra, my angel, that always has believed in me and has provided me the best student service! Xoxo

“…Grazie alla guida e assistenza dei professori e dello staff ELC mi sono sentito come a casa fin dal primo giorno. Mi hanno aiutato molto, in particolare durante le prime settimane quando si hanno più difficolta nell’adattarsi alla nuova vita in Australia. Inoltre, mi hanno seguito passo a passo ogni giorno assicurandosi che stessi bene e che la mia esperienza stesse andando al meglio. Senza ombra di dubbio, posso confermare che è l’esperienza più bella della mia vita fino ad ora!…”