Accreditations, Quality Standards & Awards

ELC is a multi-award-winning and fully accredited English school, with the highest standards. As a lifetime ‘Superstar’ in the Study Travel Star awards (this is the Oscars for schools!) and with prestigious accolades from top agents around the world, you can be confident you’ll receive the very best tuition and service at ELC.

ELC is fully accredited by the Australian government. It is CRICOS registered to welcome international students on student visas with full tuition protection.

ELC is a member of English Australia. EA represent the best English language colleges in Australia. Students travelling on a visitor or Working Holiday receive tuition insurance if they enrol at an EA accredited school like ELC

Since 2007, industry specialists Study Travel Magazine run annual awards, voted for by fellow industry professionals. ELC was voted Star English Language School Southern Hemisphere in 2007, 2009, 2011, 2012 and 2013 (and was shortlisted as top 5 in 2008 and 2010) for its professionalism and top-quality standards.
In 2013, after 5 wins, we were awarded STM ‘Superstar’ which is a lifetime award in this category, and which placed us above competition ever since. To this day, this title hasn’t been reached by any other schools in the Southern Hemisphere.

We received Ryugaku Journal’s Best School Award in 2015, 2017, 2019 and 2020. In 2020, ELC was voted top school in Australia and second best worldwide in these awards.
This distinction is awarded based on students’ ratings of their experience at the school, across areas such as quality of education, facilities and student support.

Every year one of Europe’s largest and most renowned education agencies, ESL, awards their “Excellence Award” to schools around the world who receive the best student feedback. We received this award in 2016 and 2017.

ELC is fulIn 2016, ELC was highly commended in the NSW Export Awards in the Education & Training category.
We were also nominated as a finalist in this category in 2017, and again in 2022!

ELC was selected as one of only four finalists in the category of Education Provider at the Australia Brazil Business Council Awards in 2018
These awards recognise the success of companies with the highest quality standards across different industries.

In 2014 and 2015 ELC won the ASEAN Masterclass award for the most outstanding English language school in the region
The award recognises excellence and innovation in international education within the ASEAN region.

ELC is an accredited Green Standard School demonstrating commitment to environmental sustainability.

ELC works closely with the Australian government initiative, Future Unlimited, to promote Australia as a study destination internationally.

ELC’s Intensive General English daytime course is fully accredited by a number of German states (Bundesländer) and meets the requirements and standards for Bildungsurlaub applicants travelling to Sydney. German applicants from Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland, Sachsen-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein, Niedersachsen and Hessen may qualify. You may find more details from the following links:

Bildungsurlaub Approval website ELC FAQ page

ELC’s student services Manager of almost 15 years, Marcia Almeida, won the English Australia Language Teaching Management Award for excellence in student services . Almost 4 years on, Marcia continues to ensure the highest standards in the provision of accommodation, welfare support and social activities for students in 2022.

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