Asier Gonzalez Ramirez
Gonzalez Ramirez
Sydney is a beautiful place. With the school activities, you can see different places and learn about the Australian lifestyle and history of Sydney.

Sydney is a beautiful place. With the school activities, you can see different places and learn about the Australian lifestyle and history of Sydney.

The classes at ELC are fun and I can improve my English. I can talk with friends from other cultures. The class is difficult but good for understanding a different language. The time passes quickly because it is fun.

The English Extra class is also really good. For example, the pronunciation class helps you understand different accents.

My English has improved because now I can understand the teachers and people on the street. In my job I can have a conversation with my manager. I have learned a lot of new words and I think my pronunciation is better. Now people can understand me.

Sydney is a beautiful place. With the school activities, you can see different places and learn about the Australian lifestyle and history of Sydney.

I would recommend ELC to my friends because you can talk to different cultures, make a lot of friends, meet a lot of people and improve your English. You can only speak in English at school which is good practice.