ELC celebrates 20th anniversary
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ELC celebrates 20th anniversary

16 September ELC News, English Made Easy, Top articles

Friday 15th September was ELC’s 20th anniversary, and we were delighted to celebrate the milestone with good friends, staff and partners as we looked back together over the past 20 years.

Thanks to all our partners worldwide for your support over the years and to the 25,000 students who chose ELC as their English language school.
During the celebration, our Managing Director, David Scott, took a moment to share some of his reflections. He talked about the very first marketing trips back in 2003 and some of the partners who had faith in him and Lyn even before the campus had opened, and how they are still great partners 20 later. He mentioned the very first student who was booked at ELC and how he and Lyn still get a Christmas message from him every year without fail, all these years later.
He praised the amazing staff who have made ELC such a high quality brand, many of whom have stayed with ELC for over 10 years, and he thanked all the agent partners many of whom are more friends than colleagues.

Once again, thank you for being a part of the ELC family and for contributing to our 20 years of success. 

We look forward to celebrating many more years together!